764Emi is a young ambitious girl who has been dreaming about a big world for years. Whenever an opportunity arises, she jumps into its modes without hesi -
849。近日,阿黛尔将搭档马提亚斯·修奈尔茨,出演比利时导演迈克尔·R·罗斯卡姆的犯罪新作《The Believer》。影片将是一部描写比利时首都布鲁塞尔阴暗面的黑色电影,但同时也将有条爱情线穿插其中。据... -
A计划2 1987
336影片部分根据18世纪亚美尼亚诗人Savat Nova的生平拍摄,但更多地是以诗句代替了诗人的形象。全片几乎没有对白,主要是旁白和剧中人自言自语。 无法用文字概括该 -
304After believing she spotted her son in a traveling caravan, a distraught mother returns to the island of El Hierro, where son disappeared three years -
维罗妮卡 2017
587一位不再行医的女心理学家决定以维罗妮卡·德拉·塞尔纳(Veronica de la Serna)为案例,她是一名年轻女子,她以前的治疗师神秘失踪了。 -
156An intimate look at the lives of modern circus performers in and out of Cirque Du Soleil. The film follows the stories of several different performe -
661Emi is a young ambitious girl who has been dreaming about a big world for years. Whenever an opportunity arises, she jumps into its modes without hesi